Hello, I'm Elexis
I created Livin’ Bold because for a while I struggled with being brave and confident in my present and future actions, and with the pandemic those thoughts came back to the forefront of my mind making me question my goals. Livin’ Bold is important to me because I decided to take charge of my present and future actions by taking the first steps to being bold. That first step started with me defining the word “bold.”
Why Planners?
Livin’ Bold Planners are all undated for one reason: to remove the pressure of time. It is easy to move a deadline back especially when you make that deadline. We apply so much pressure on ourselves that when we can’t fulfill that goal, we feel lacking.
With a Livin’ Bold Planner or any of our products, we will remove that pressure.
This Bold Journey is a self-guided journey that does not have a time limit nor one specific vision.
The only thing you should think about is how to reach your goal in the best way for you!